Floating FAQs

Q: Who uses float tanks?

Moms, dads, teenagers, children, grandmas, grandpas, your neighbor, your delivery driver, pro athletes, Olympians, sports enthusiasts, Joe Rogan, influencers, musicians, artists—really ...anyone.  

Any individual seeking to reduce their stress response and ease their upregulated or “jacked up” nervous system.  

Any individual looking to improve their quality of sleep.

Anyone looking for a way to reduce inflammation, swelling, or pain.

Any individual curious about reducing anxiety, depression, or symptoms of PTSD.

Anyone suffering from muscle cramping or wanting to improve muscle recovery from training.

Q: What is it like? (We’ve heard a lot, but these are the top ones so far)

“Better than a massage”

“Best thing since I got a morphine shot 10 years ago”

“Like taking a deuce…just feels good”

“It’s like I time-warped”

“Best sleep I’ve had in weeks” (dad of young children)

“An awesome experience”

Q: Is this the same as sensory deprivation?

Yes, floating is another name for sensory deprivation.  We offer multiple levels of sensory deprivation in our tanks.  You have the choice if you would like music on or off, lights on or off, ceiling stars on or off, and earplugs in or out.

Q: What if I fall asleep?

Falling asleep is a common occurrence while floating and can be a sign of how deep-sleep deprived you may be.   The quality of sleep achieved during a float can be very rejuvenating.  Some individuals have used waterproof wearables to track the REM/Deep sleep achieved during a float.   You are fully buoyant during your float, and your mouth/eyes will not fall below the water should you get some naptime in.

Q: How often should I float?

Well, IMO, as much as possible.  We all have different stressors and environments we surround ourselves in.  Some may need a float weekly, others perhaps once a month.  All we can encourage you to do is to “put yourself on your schedule”.   Start the practice and experiment on a schedule that works best for you.

 You take care of your teeth so you can continue to eat food.  You take care of your eyes so you can continue to see.  Why not take care of your brain and nervous system to keep you operating at optimal levels.  

Q: Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?

Yes, of course--as does any self-care habit!  Floating helps reduce the stress response and is being researched for its immune-modulating properties.  The ongoing practice has reportedly made our members “happier”, “lowered blood pressure”, “taken away arthritis pain”, “sleep better”, and much more!

Q: Can two people float in one tank at the same time?

Unfortunately, no, we do not have a tank large enough for two people. 

Q: Is it ok to drive afterward?

Yes, if you still feel “floaty” afterward we welcome you to grab a cup of tea and chill out while you hatch out and get your bearings straight before getting behind the wheel. 

Q: Is there a best time of day to float?

Ooh, good question.  It depends--we have individuals that love the 5pm float so they can forget the day’s worries and prepare for their deep slumber.  Others find that floating energizes them and they come earlier in the day.  If you find yourself more on the hypervigilant brain-side (you hear every creak and sound) we recommend Tuesday/Thursdays early in the day when there is usually less foot traffic in the building.  While we tried our best to do all the best soundproofing, it's hard to cover every sound that transmits through water.  

Q: “I have a weird squeaky noise in my ear.”

S: Salt can sneak behind the earplug if they are not properly fitted in the ear canal before the first shower.  We encourage you to rinse your ears after your float to get any salties that are left in your ear.

You can rinse the ear with warm water to dissolve the salt.  Another solution, as suggested by Healthline, is to mix up a solution of alcohol and vinegar to dissolve and dry out the salt.  We carry pre-made bottles of this at EWC.  You are welcome to swing by and grab a bottle.

Q: Can I float during menstruation?
Menstruating women are encouraged to float.    Epsom salt can help ease muscle cramping.  Please prepare just as you would as if you are going swimming.  Part of our filtration process includes running the saltwater through a 1-micron filter, which filters out cells--including red blood cells. 

Q: Can my child float?

Absolutely!  We ask parents to please float first so you can guide and assist your child in understanding the process.  Children under the age of 11 must have an adult in the float room (not tank) while the child floats.   Minors may not be in the facility unattended at any time. 

Q: Can I wear my contacts?

Yes, this is a preference.  If you choose to remove them, please bring your own container to keep them in.

Q: What should I bring to my session?

We provide sandals, towels, body products (unscented organic shampoo/conditioner/body wash/deodorant/face lotion), ear swabs, makeup remover, earplugs, and a comb.  Some individuals enjoy a fresh change of clothes or undergarments. We recommend wearing loose bottoms, as they are easier to get on and off!  We have blow dryers in our restrooms.  

Q: Can I bring my own shampoo?

We do not allow the use of scented products during the first shower to help minimize the synthetic chemicals that go into our tanks (which makes it really hard to keep tanks fresh and clean for the next client).  We have an excellent gentle and organic line of ONEKA body products (including scented)  that can be used during the second shower.  

Q: Should I wear a bathing suit?

We do not allow the use of bathing suits in our tanks as they can contain residue chemicals from pools and spas that make it hard to keep the tank fresh and clean for the next client.  Plus, salt can “gather” in some uncomfortable areas and is not exactly pleasant, if you know what I mean.

Q: Do you have a blow dryer?

Yes, we have a blow dryer available in our restroom.

Q: I have a history of ear infections.  Can I float?

Yes, we would encourage you to wear earplugs and rinse your ears thoroughly after the float with warm water to remove any salt that may have snuck into your ear.  If you have ear tubes, you must have approval from your ENT provider, which may also include wearing custom earplugs.

Q: Can I wear a swim cap?

Yes, we do allow swim caps.  Please make sure they are thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with water prior to use in our tanks.

Q: Is there any risk of drowning?

There is an extremely low risk of drowning.  One would need to hold their head below saltier-than-ocean water for said such time.  Very low risk, however, we cannot guarantee no risk. Walking has its risks also.

Q: I’m claustrophobic and/or have high anxiety, what if I can’t stay in the tank?

That’s okay and totally normal! As you practice the art of floating, it will become easier over time.  Also, we welcome you to keep the door open if needed.  The starlit ceiling can be helpful to ease new beginner floaters into the practice.

Q: How sanitary are float tanks? How are they cleaned and disinfected?

Our float tanks use a 1-micron filter, followed by a UV/ozone water treatment system that cycles for a minimum of three turnovers.  We use hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer to help remove organic materials. We have both our tank’s water tested monthly and in accordance with the State of Alaska DEC regulations.  

Q: I’m pregnant, is it ok for me to float?  Will it harm my baby?

Absolutely!  We do ask that you talk with your provider about the therapy prior to floating.  If you are high risk, you must get their permission.   Babies are not harmed as the water stays 94-95F and they love any moment your body is not secreting cortisol (stress hormone).

Q: Is there anyone who should avoid floating?  Are there contraindications?

Anyone who has an open wound/sore or active infection is not permitted to float until it is closed and healed. 

Anyone incontinent of urine or stool, or prone to (when in a deep state of relaxation).

Anyone with uncontrolled seizures.

Anyone who has newly dyed hair.

Q: I am a large person, will I be comfortable there?

Our tank model has floated linebackers and tall pro athletes.  No need to worry unless you’re over 8ft tall, then positioning would get awkward. 

Q: How hot is the water?

The water temperature ranges from 94 to 95F.  We can adjust the water temperature as needed, just give us a heads up!

Q: Is it ok to float with dyed hair? How about keratin treatments?

Dyed hair is super tricky and we are not stylist experts!  We recommend that you speak with your stylist about how our hydrogen peroxide in our salt solution could leach out the color.  As a general rule, if you can see color washout from shampooing, we recommend waiting until just before your next touch-up appointment.  We do not recommend floating after a keratin treatment.  

Individuals are responsible for all costs (salt, chemicals, labor, scrubbing power) of removal of hair dye from our clean, white tanks.  

Q: I really like coffee. When should I stop drinking?

Generally-- wait 3-4 hours after stimulants to float to experience relaxation.  It’s hard to “settle in” with caffeine on board.  Having said that, we are all individuals with different biochemistry, meaning that we all metabolize caffeine differently--some slower, some faster.

Q: I am worried about how sanitary it is still- is there anything extra to do?

Our tanks are sanitized extensively between each float, but if you are still worried, we understand! Let a wellness tech know and we can provide a hospital-grade disinfecting soap for your post-float shower.

Do you have more questions that were not answered above? No problem! Drop us a line at learn@elevatewellnessak.com or text the bot in the lower right-hand corner and we’ll get you to a Wellness Tech that can help you!