Joovv Treatment Guidelines
For the most effective red light therapy sessions, follow these treatment guidelines:
Position Yourself 6 Inches from Your Joovv: You can sit or stand, but clinical research and user experiences have demonstrated that 6-12 inches is the ideal distance during a treatment.
Treatment For Beginners: We recommend starting out with a 5-10 minute treatment, slowly working up to a 10-minute session(s) over the course of 2-3 weeks as your body acclimates to the therapy.
10-15 Minute Treatment Times: 10-minute treatments per area at 6 inches from your device are optimal. 15-20 minutes for symptomatic areas may be beneficial, but beyond that, the evidence points to diminishing returns (your cells can only absorb so much light at once). For this reason, we recommend you allow at least 6 hours between treatments of the same area. We have full-body panels on the front and backside of your body.
Any Time of Day: Some people love how it feels in the morning and say it perks them up for the day. Others wait until before or after a workout for max energy and recovery. The important thing is fitting light therapy into your daily routine, regardless of what time.
Targeting Problem Areas: Many of the health benefits from light therapy can be attained by consistent, full-body use. However, it can be beneficial to target specific physical problem areas. In those cases, direct treatments for 10-20 minutes allows natural light to penetrate deeper into tissues for greater effects.
Exposing Your Skin for a Joovv Treatment
For effective Joovv use, the area of your body that you’re treating needs to be exposed directly to the light. Clothing prevents the red and near infrared light from reaching your cells, so be sure to remove any garments from the part of your body you’re treating.
How long does it take to see results?
The human body is complex, yet amazing! It is hard to predict the way your body will respond to Joovv and how quickly you will see results. It varies by person, their health and fitness challenges, and how consistent they are with treatments, and what size device and coverage they use.
Clothing: Many Joovv users with full-body devices prefer to Joovv in the nude. Delivering natural light to a larger surface area of your body leads to better light therapy outcomes, but full nudity is not necessarily required for effective, full-body Joovv use. Lighter garments like underwear, bras, shorts, and socks may be worn without hampering a treatment, though the covered areas not exposed directly to the light won’t receive any benefits.
Eyes / Glasses: You may safely remove your eyeglasses and contacts for treatments. Red light therapy has been shown in numerous clinical trials to support eye health and vision. However, the LED lights can be quite bright, so we don’t recommend looking at them directly. If it’s too bright, we recommend closing your eyes until it’s comfortable to open them. You may also wear sunglasses. See FAQs below for LASIK questions.
What if I have a pre-existing health condition or take medications?
Joovv Generation 2.0 is classified as a class II medical device. Out of caution, we recommend you consult with your healthcare provider if you have any pre-existing conditions or if you take photosensitizing drugs like Tetracycline, Digoxin, Retin A, and others.
Steroids work to suppress the immune system while Photobiomodulation works to stimulate it. The two therapies work against each other which is why we do not recommend they be used together.
As a general rule, we are not able to offer definitive clinical guidance. We recommend consulting with your trusted health care provider.
Water: For electrical safety reasons, it’s best not to use Joovv devices with wet hands.