Your Float: What to Expect

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We have two float tank rooms. Both are minimalistic for a reason. We want you to take this time for YOU!

Airplane Mode/Silence those phones…exhale the dookie-doos and rigamorale from the day, and get ready for your float!

So, here are a few things to keep in mind to keep your experience safe, clean, and comfortable:


  • We have everything you need during your session here. We provide all the necessities one needs during their salty float session: towels, a robe, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, earplugs, makeup remover, cotton swabs, etc.

  • Speaking of salt—anyone been in the ocean? Salt does NOT feel good on cuts, scrapes, and freshly shaved legs. We recommend avoid shaving at least 6 hours before your float and if you are sensitive, consider 24 hours prior to floating. We provide A&D ointment to place over minor cuts/scrapes but please NO OPEN wounds or new tattoos in our tanks. OUCH!

  • We don’t recommend goggles because you will not be submerging your face below the water, at any time. We provide a bottle of fresh water and a washcloth to dab any accidental salt near the face and eyes.

  • Removing contacts are optional.

  • Consider heading to the restroom one last time before your session as it’s no fun having to exit halfway to run to the restroom.

  • Before your shower, insert your earplugs (if desired—not required).

  • Our float rooms each have a private shower located directly outside of the tank. You are required to take a “proper” shower with shampoo and body wash thoroughly before getting all the cooties, creams, and conditioners off your bodies to keep the water clear and clean. A cooler shower is recommended to help acclimate better to the float tank water temperature.

  • Once you shower, carefully step your bare-body (Yup! floating is a nude experience as the chemicals in suits impact the water quality) into the silky salty warm 94-95F water.


  • The music and introduction will mark the beginning of your 60-minute session.

  • There are neck supports and pool noodles you can use to get yourself comfortable. Not everyone is used to have a “normal” neck position from all of our phone use (head forward) so consider using the float halo the first couple of times under your head you float until your neck muscles adjust and relax into a more normal neck position.

  • Take a few nice deep breathes…listen to yourself inhale and exhale as you stare up at the twinkling stars or close your eyes. This is YOUR time, to do what you want—listen to music, watch the starry ceiling, or close your eyes and nap. Dealers choice here.

  • You may want to stretch your spine, do some twists, or just lie and notice your position.

  • You are in control of the light, music, and amount of time you are in there.

  • Once you hear the music begin and the voice alerting you to the end of your session, this is your time to carefully stand up, pat your face with the towel to catch any salties that want to creep into your eyes. Gently “wipe” the excess salty fluid from your hair, arms, and legs—carefully exiting as you use the handlebars.


  • Begin your second shower to rinse the remaining salt off your skin and out of your hair. Conditioner can be applied at this point.

  • We understand showers can be an amazing time to reflect on your experience, but we ask you keep them to less than 7 minutes so we can have enough time to prepare for the next person.

  • We have tea service and space available for reflection in the lounge area or the classroom, where we welcome stretching as available.


  • Avoid caffeine or stimulants prior to your session. It can make it a little harder to “settle in” to yourself in the silky, warm water.

  • Avoid big meals or a large amount of fluids 1 hour prior to your session.

  • Come with an open mind. Floating can take up to 3-4 visits to get into the practice of deep relaxation.